Timetables have been created based on requests from Course Selection time in February as well as from guidance appointments that occurred from February to June 2018.

Here is the process to request a timetable change at this time of year:

All students must attend the classes on their current timetable until they can be seen by their guidance counsellor. This is important because Counsellors will call into class to locate the student.

As much as we would like to be able to accommodate all requests, it will not be possible due to full classes.

Tuesday Sept. 4 to Thursday Sept. 6 – Appointments for New Registrations to Preston High School + Guidance Counsellors will be locating students they need to speak to directly.

Thursday September 6 – Grade 12 students can start requesting appointments by filling out an appointment slip in Guidance.

Friday September 7 – Grade 11 students can start requesting appointments.

Monday September 10 – Grade 10 students can start requesting appointments.

Tuesday September 11 – Grade 9 students can start requesting appointments.

Students may not be seen on the same day of the appointment request. Delays will occur.

Students are responsible to catch up on work missed after they change into a new class.

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