It is EQAO’s goal to make the transition to on line assessments over the coming years. The first step in the transition to this format is the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. On October 20, 2016, students will have an opportunity to write the test in an on line version. The students will have a second opportunity to write the OSSLT in March 2017, at which time students may choose either to write the test on line, or using a printed version of the test.

PHS will be participating in the October test date, and the school administration encourages students to write the test at that time. Choosing to write the on-line version of the test this October is a “bonus opportunity.” If a student is successful, then he/she will not need to write the OSSLT again in March. However, if a student is not successful on the first attempt in October, he/she will still be considered first-time eligible in March. Students will have only one recorded outcome for the year even if they write both in October and again in March.



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