We are asking families of secondary students who want to change their child’s mode of learning (in-person to distance learning or vice versa), to do so by Wednesday, January 6, 2021.

Only those who wish to change the mode of learning should fill out this form.

If you complete this form and then change your mind between now and January 6, 2021, please complete the form again. We will use your last response as the final decision.

Please note that this change will be for the remainder of the school year, both Quadmesters 3 and 4.

Secondary students will transition to their new learning environment, in-person or distance learning, at the start of Quadmester 3 on February 4. In the meantime, we encourage our families to have their child continue to attend their in-person or distance learning program.


If you have any questions about the different modes of learning, please contact your school on December 16 or 17, 2020 or January 4 to 5, 2021. Schools will be closed during the winter break.

Questions about the survey should be directed to our Research Department at research@wrdsb.ca.


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