Good Morning!
As we look forward to this our Commencement Ceremony, Thursday June 13th at Bingeman’s Marshall Hall, we have some important information to share with students registered for the ceremony. This morning, students registered for Commencement were given their gown package, and their guest tickets. If your student is registered and did not receive their items, please send the student to the Main Office for their grad package.

Please note that the gown, cap and tassel and all guest tickets must be brought to the ceremony – guests must have a ticket in order to enter.
This is a semi-formal event.
Graduates are expected to arrive to the venue at 6pm, and our ceremony will start promptly at 7pm.
Doors to Marshall Hall will will open at 6pm for guests.
There will be a location on site for you to take photos with your graduate.

We are excited to celebrate the accomplishements of our graduates!
See you Thursday!

Categories: News