Summer School 2024 Information




  • July 2 and July 26, 2024


  1. E-Learning Asynchronous Credit     OR
  2. In-person Learning (F2F in the email registration means Face to Face Learning) at  Huron Heights Secondary School in Kitchener  (busing will be provided for Cambridge students)
  3. Here is the link to the WRDSB Summer School Site for contact names


  • 2024 Secondary Summer School Course Offerings both E-Learning and in-person
  • Courses will only run if there is sufficient enrollment.
  • Students/parents/legal guardians will be notified by email if the course they registered for is cancelled.


  • March 18-May 17, 2024 for either format of summer school course
  • Students must fill in this PHS Summer School 2024 Registration  in order for their PHS Guidance Counsellor to register them in Summer School.  There will be an automatic email sent to the student on their WRDSB student email account when the guidance counsellor has registered them. The same email is automatically sent to the student’s caregiver. Please watch for this to know that you have been registered on the “class list”. You will see the word PRISM on the email.
  • “Waitlisted” email:  at the time of registration, you may receive an email to say you have been added to the waitlist.  New sections of courses will be added when there is a demand.  If you are still on a waitlist at the end of May, your guidance counsellor will contact you to discuss options. You may be registered with a different school board.  Continue to check your school email as another email will be sent out when you are moved from a “waitlist” to being on the “class list”, which means you are now registered in the course.
  • When reading the email, if you asked to be signed up for an In Person Class, look for the term “F2F”.  This means that you have been signed up for a Face to Face In Person class for summer school.  A teacher’s name may not be listed, a school name may be listed in the email.  This tells the student that during the regular school year, the teacher assigned to this course is a teacher from that school.  It could be a school name different than PHS.  It doesn’t matter what school name is listed in the email,  the students DO NOT travel to that school.  All in person summer school courses are held at Huron Heights Secondary School for Summer School 2024.


  • Students may only take ONE Summer School Course; this can be one full credit course, or two half credit courses (e.g. Civics, Careers).
  • Students should be aware that summer e-learning courses require DAILY participation
  • Students who have a high degree of self-motivation and the ability to work independently are best suited for e-learning courses.
  • Regular attendance is critical for success at summer school. All full credit summer school courses involve a minimum of 110 hours of content and instruction. In person learners must attend school from 8:30am-3pm (Monday to Friday). All work must be completed and submitted as instructed by the teacher. Students (both in-person and e-learners) are expected to keep up with the course material, due dates and time commitments each week.
  • Failure to login/participate daily may result in your removal from the course
  • Students may be registered with a different school board in Ontario for e-Learning courses
  • Grade 9/10 math pathways for summer school information sheet


A note for all regarding E-Learning Summer School Courses:

  •  A student logging in to the Virtual Learning Environment WILL NOT see their summer school classes loaded there until the assigned classroom teacher chooses to make their class Active. This is up to the teacher when they do that to give students access to it, and while it can happen before the first day, a teacher may not activate it until that morning. Students should not stress if they don’t see their summer school classes online prior to the first day of classes starting – if they have an enrollment notification from PRISM and are showing as enrolled in PRISM on your end, everyone should feel confident that the course will show up by the start of the class


  • Go to and login with your WRDSB Gmail address and password. 
  • Look for the heading  “My Courses” widget (box) to see your summer school class listed  
  • Also under the “My Courses” widget,  look for the “Summer School Orientation for Secondary Students” link. This orientation is a collection of short demonstration videos and other resources to support students in being successful if they need help navigating the platform.


  • WRDSB students taking an eLearning course with another board can access their course via the WRDSB VLE/D2L still. They login with their WRDSB Gmail address and password to
  • Look for the heading  “My Courses in Other Orgs” widget (box) to find your summer school class, click and it will take students right into the course from the other board.
  • Each board runs their startup their own way, but will generally email the student on their WRDSB Gmail account (and often their parent/guardian) instructions and details about what this looks like and what to expect.  Different boards have different start and end dates.

BUS SCHEDULE TO  Huron Heights SS for in-person classes:


  •  Applications open February 26 and must be in by March 28
  • If you are interested in Summer School Coop, make an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor stating this reason on the appointment request.

Who is my Guidance Counsellor?

Your last name begins with: Your Guidance Counsellor is:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J

Mrs. Brennan

K, L, M, N, O, P, Q

Mr. Jones

 R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z Ms. Bauer

Guidance  Admin. Assistant

Ms. Sharp for inquiries and to ask for a transcript  please email:


Link to WRDSB Summer School Information