The Student Activities Council (SAC) at Preston High School is a group of grade 10-12 students who have an interest in enhancing their leadership abilities. SAC strives to create a connection between students in the building, their teachers and the community as a whole.

In 2018-2019 SAC joined forces with the Athletic Council (AC) group. As a whole SAC is now responsible for organizing all school-wide events for students such as dances, assemblies, spirit days, athletic tournaments and intramurals.  This group also looks to enhance Preston High School’s relationship with the community through initiatives such as organizing Thanksgiving food drive, Senior’s Dinner, and raising money for local charities through Cake Auction and MOGA.  The Student Activities Council communicates school activities to the student body through morning announcements, weekly boards, and advertising in the school and on social media. SAC members are proud Preston Panthers and strive to share their school spirit with the other students!

For students who are interested in joining SAC, applications and interviews are done each year after Co-Prez elections in April.

Listen to morning announcements for important dates, or come check out our “This Week In Panther Country” boards in the Crush!