Leadership Course at PHS 2015-2016

Due Friday May 1, 2015:  Any students interested in taking a Leadership Course next year must fill out the PHS Leadership Questionnaire below. Once you have completed this questionnaire you will be contacted by your guidance counsellor to make the necessary course selection changes. Click here:   http://goo.gl/xc1Sta    

Important Notice for Secondary Students & Families

Potential job action by Waterloo Region District School Board secondary teachers. The purpose of this letter is to update Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) families on the status of labour negotiations with its secondary teachers. We know that, as parents, it’s important for you to know how this situation may affect your daughter and/or […]

Parent Survey – Please help us plan for next year

Hey Panther Parent … Help us plan for next year by completing the online survey https://docs.google.com/a/googleapps.wrdsb.ca/forms/d/16it_YKpU3Cb5PeeccmSbzM0gqQcKUiEyiquYOwgBiKg/edit?usp=sharing

Tax Benefits for Parents of Students with IEPs

Did you know that you may be eligible for tax benefits if you have a child with a learning disability? According to TurboTax, (http://turbotax.intuit.ca/tax-resources/disability-tax-credit.jsp) persons with disabilities and their care givers may be eligible to receive help with the added expenses. Your first step is to check with Canada Revenue Agency, (http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/menu-eng.html) for information about […]

New Pilot Funding Initiative for Schools

The Waterloo Region District school board has partnered with My Class Needs, a not-for-profit foundation associated with Curriculum Services Canada, to offer a unique opportunity to support classroom teachers in securing additional resources to support student learning, well-being and achievement. The program provides grants for materials/services up to a maximum of $750 per class. To qualify, […]

Looking for information about contests, scholarships or summer opportunities?

Check out http://www.theyouthlink.com/location-specific/ontario/provincial/ This site, created by teens for teens, will tell you about different opportunities for fun summer placements, contests and post-secondary scholarships. You can find out about Shad Valley, MEI Institute, Physics and Math contests, year-long programs, Outward Bound, YMCA Summer programs and more!

When do Schools Close Due to Weather?

Our procedure for severe weather  provides guidelines and expectations for school closings due to severe weather, and how this information is communicated to our families.

Severe weather refers to conditions such as ice, fog, rain, sleet, snow, wind and/or frigid temperatures and wind chills. We consider a frigid temperature to be -35C with wind chill, or colder.

The general manager of Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR) will monitor weather and temperatures in the region beginning at 5:30am, using Environment Canada’s wind chill index. If the temperature is forecasted to reach or exceed -35C with wind chill at 7:00am, buses will not operate and schools will be closed. The education centre will be open to those employees who can safely arrive to work.

How do we communicate cancellations or closures?

Decisions relating to cancellations and closures are made by 6:00am. Any cancellations and closures will be posted on our website and school websites. Information will also be available on our twitter account (@wrdsb). We encourage you to monitor our website and listen to local media for up-to-date cancellation and closures.

Parents have the option of keeping their children at home when concerned about weather conditions.

Read more about When do Schools Close Due to Weather? »

2014 Director’s Annual Report

The 2014 Director’s Annual Report is now available! Each year, the Director is required to submit a report to the Ministry of Education, highlighting the achievements of the past year. Our Annual Report gives the local community a snap shot at what students and staff have achieved. Awards, good news stories and  achievements in learning […]

Allergies to perfume and scented products

Staff and students are reminded to be considerate of members or our school community who have severe allergies to perfumed products. These include deodorants, perfumes, colognes and sprays, as well as bath and body products. Please refrain from using these products while you are at school.  

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