Have you heard the phrase, “Fight or Flight”?
When flooded with stress, we have two responses. We stay and fight, or we run away! Once upon a time, when we were faced with unexpected danger (like a wild animal, say), stress was a useful response. But although we seldom encounter wild animals in our daily life, we still do experience stress.
Physically, stress feels like fluctuating desire for food (stuff yourself, or lose your appetite), sleeplessness or headaches. Psychologically, stress may make you feel helpless, anxious or out of control. Stress affects your brain and your immune system — you can get sick from too much stress!
There are some ways to combat the stress of being a student:
1. Find ways to relax
- learn relaxation techniques, like yoga, music or meditation
- take regular breaks, and get some fresh air
- take up a sport or hobby
2. Develop a healthy lifestyle
- eat a variety of foods to get necessary nutrients
- get 8 – 9 hours of sleep each night
- keep your bedroom for sleeping – ban your phone so that you can sleep without interruptions
- get together with friends
- keep a positive attitude
3. Decide to be a good student
- keep a planner or calendar, so due dates aren’t a surprise
- attend classes, and take notes
- form a study group, or find a study buddy. Set regular dates for studying together.
- review your notes every night, so that you maintain your knowledge of course material, and feel confident in class.